Being A Single Mom
With anything there are challenges and rewards and being a single mother is no different.
Yes, I agree that a child needs both parents but unfortunately that is not always the case. However, I know that although this may not be the case for some, a child can still grow up to be an active and thriving adult regardless.
Growing up in a single parent home you somewhat see the challenges your active parent makes to ensure that you have all that you need and more. This I know all to well because all I had was my mom. She raised my brothers and I and she worked her butt off, she worked so hard that she was not able to come to any games, etc although she definitely made sure she had me enrolled in everything. My mother did not have much growing up therefore her immediate mindset was to make sure her kids did not go without and had everything she did not and some. When Christmas came around you would have thought that our house was Santa’s workshop because she did Christmas like no other. Not only Christmas but Birthdays, etc. She worked so hard to make sure we had that I did not realize all of the sacrifices she was making because this was our norm. But I did see the challenges she faced and I had the longing for the absent parent thinking that would have made things easier for my mom and us.
Having seen these challenges I knew that being a single mom was not something I wanted to be. Now, despite what I said I did not want to happen, it happened anyway. There were so many things I was and was not going to do because of how I was raised and the figment of may imagination of what a 2 parent home consisted of. Because now I am faced with my new reality. This reality was fearful and intimidating but once I gave birth and held her in my arms my world that fear became my greatest strength and driving factor to beat all odd.
Working was a no brainier for me because my mom was a work-a-holic so that came naturally. I knew how to work to get what I needed and wanted. However, I also knew how it felt to not have my mom present and to be with my friends and there moms, etc and that was a feeling I did not want my daughter to experience. So I had to learn how to mange my family and work time. You see as a single mom you still face the same issues as two parent homes you are just facing these issues alone. As your child (ren) do not know the difference all they know is they have needs that have to be met. Therefore, I was the team mom, active in PTA, Girl Scout Leader for her troop, etc. Whatever she participated in I made sure to be there front and center. Any job that I had I made it known that I had a child and that she came first. It was non-negotiable, as I did not need anyone’s sympathy I needed flexibility.
Being a mom is hard work period. Whether you are a single mom or not because at the end of the day the responsibility still lies in your hands to make sure all is taken care of. So whether you gave birth to a child, adopted, became a step mom, etc.. Being a mom gives you a joy that you can not imagine what it is like not to be one. Therefore, despite the challenges that you face, you put that S on your chest and rise to the occasion because you are Supermom!
Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. -(Proverbs 22:6)